6 Covid-19 Vaccines in the World and Their Effectiveness in Protecting from the Corona Virus


6 Covid-19 Vaccines in the World and Their Effectiveness in Protecting from the Corona Virus

Sunday, May 23,2021

UPDATimes - There are already eight Covid-19 vaccines in use in the world, including some that have been used in Indonesia. The efficacy of these vaccines also varies in protecting against the coronavirus. Over a year the corona virus pandemic has spread across the globe, infecting tens of millions of people and causing many deaths. This new disease pandemic is overwhelming the scientific community, researchers and scientists. This is because the origin of the corona virus is confusing, to a new type of disease that is endemic and there is no cure. In less than a year, several vaccines began to be developed to control the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because prevention efforts with various health protocols suggested and campaigned by experts are not sufficient to stem the spread, transmission and infection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Here are 6 types of Covid-19 vaccines and the efficacy or efficacy value of each vaccine.

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1. Sinovac Vaccine 

The Covid-19 Sinovac vaccine is the first vaccine used in Indonesia, in early January 2021. The collaboration between Bio Farma to bring in the Covid-19 vaccine is also accompanied by a phase 3 clinical trial and the bulk packaging of the vaccine from Sinovac.

The Indonesian Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) has issued an emergency use permit (EUA) after the data on the efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine is considered to have reached the limit set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results of the phase 3 clinical trial conducted in Bandung showed the efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine was 65.3 percent. When compared to the efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine tested in other countries such as Turkey and Brazil, the results of the vaccine's efficacy in Indonesia are indeed lower. In Turkey, the efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Sinovac Biotech Ltd from China reached 91.25 percent. Meanwhile, in Brazil the efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine reached 78 percent. Although the efficacy value of the Sinovac vaccine in Indonesia is low, compared to other countries in the world, the Covid-19 vaccine developed based on the inactivated virus is still effective in providing protection from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

2. AstraZeneca 

Vaccine One of the Covid-19 vaccines that has drawn a lot of controversy is the AstraZeneca vaccine. This Covid-19 vaccine originates from the UK, was developed by researchers at the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca. Based on the chimpanzee adenovirus, the AstraZeneca vaccine is widely reported by various countries in the world because of the vaccine's side effect which causes blood clots. However, the cases of death and blood clots after the injection of the vaccine are insignificant when compared to their efficacy and benefits in preventing more severe disease. The effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine offers protection of up to 64.1 percent after the first dose, and 70.4 percent after the second injection, as reported by Kompas.com, Tuesday (18/5/2021).

3. Sinopharm 

Vaccine Is the Covid-19 vaccine used in Indonesia in the mutual cooperation vaccination program. Sinopharm Vaccine was developed by Beijing BioInstitute Biological Products from China. This Chinese vaccine has obtained a halal certificate from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Just like the Sinovac vaccine, the Covid-19 Sinopharm vaccine is a vaccine that was also developed with the inactivated vaccine technology derived from the attenuated SARS-CoV-2 virus. According to the Head of BPOM Penny Lukito, as reported by Kompas.com, Monday (17/5/2021), in a clinical trial conducted in the United Arab Emirates, the Sinopharm vaccine bagged an efficacy value of 78 percent.

4. CanSino Vaccine 

The CanSino vaccine is another vaccine being developed by researchers in China, at CanSino Biologics. This vaccine is the first Covid-19 vaccine that was patented by the Chinese government on August 11, 2020. Indonesia plans to gradually bring in this Chinese vaccine which is used in the mutual cooperation vaccination program. This Covid-19 vaccine is based on a vector vaccine that contains antigens from the corona virus on harmless flu-causing pathogens, or adenoviruses. Apart from Indonesia, the vaccine is also approved for use in its home country, China, then in Pakistan, Hungary and Mexico. The efficacy of the CanSino vaccine is 68.83 percent effective in protecting against Covid-19 infection, with just one injection. However, the researchers suggest that to increase the vaccine's ability to protect against the coronavirus, booster shots can be given six months later.

5. Moderna Vaccine 

Unlike the Covid-19 vaccine development technology carried out by Chinese researchers. The Moderna vaccine from the United States was developed using genetic messenger RNA (mRNA) technology. The vaccine has been used in its home country, where the United States has also recorded a fairly high number of Covid-19 cases. The efficacy of the mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccine shows a high enough value. At least one injection of Moderna's vaccine, the vaccine's efficacy or efficacy in protecting against Covid-19 is 80.2 percent. The second injection of mRNA vaccine, with a interval of 28 days, can provide 95.6 percent efficacy in people aged 18 to 65 years. Meanwhile, for vaccine recipients over 65 years of age, the efficacy of the Moderna vaccine could reach 86.4 percent.

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6. Pfizer-BioNTech 

Vaccine The mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccine development technology is also used by vaccine developer from the United States, Pfizer, who collaborates with its German partner, BioNTech. WHO has authorized the use of this Pfizer vaccine at the end of December 2020. The Pfizer vaccine is the first to be used in the United States, as well as several other countries in the world, such as Britain, Israel to Saudi Arabia. The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is planned to be used soon in Indonesia. The efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine has the highest value compared to several other Covid-19 vaccine candidates. This is because the efficacy reaches 95 percent after vaccine recipients get two injections.

The Covid-19 vaccine is not the only weapon against the pandemic around the world, but at least this is an effort to control a virus that continues to mutate and give rise to new variants. There are many Covid-19 vaccine candidates developing in a number of countries. In fact, some of them have already pocketed permits for use in emergency situations.


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