Corona Virus Conspiracy Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network?

Indonesian illustration of collaboration with Gisaid

Sunday,31 Mei 2020

UPDATimes - Various conspiracy stories are mixed in such a way as to lead public opinion regarding corona outbreaks (covid-19). One of them is in a document released by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network that is displayed at UN Universities.

The document claims the corona outbreak and lockdown concept were set ten years ago. Entitled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development", this document tells the situation of the plague and panic that is happening right now exactly the scenario of 10 years ago.

To strengthen their alibi, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network invited academics from various world leading universities to discuss 'academic studies'.

They are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California, Berkeley, New York University, Boston University and George Washington University.

After the 2010 scenario meeting, two years later the SARS virus emerged. Even in the scenario document that has been written will come a new flu epidemic that is very deadly, namely the corona virus (SARS Cov-2).

In this scenario also described eight stages. The problem of deadly plague, including Covid-19, which each stage is exactly in line with current world conditions, especially in Indonesia.

First, there is a very deadly new flu epidemic. Second, the economy is paralyzed, the industry is dead, the supply chain is destroyed.

Third, shops and offices are closed, employees become unemployed. Fourth, the United States was affected.

Then China started lockdown and recovered from the plague. The success of China with its lockdown with the aim that countries in the world emulate lockdown like China.

Fifth, the world's population is required to wear a mask and check the temperature at the entrance.

Sixth, authoritarian control continues and continues to improve even though the plague has disappeared.

Seventh, the people of the world are like prisoners in prison and eventually they will surrender and surrender.

Eighth, the people of the world finally asked for a biometric ID or chip installed in their bodies to end their suffering.

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