Dr.Siti Fadilah ,Virus and WHO

Menkes Republik Indonesia periode 2004-2009, 
Siti Fadilah Supari/Net

Saturday,31 May 2020

UPDATimes - Wabah Covid-19 reminded many people of Dr. Siti Fadilah Supari (Minister of Health Republic of Indonesia Republic of Indonesia 2004-2009) who used to fight against the 2005 Bird Flu virus and even continued to fight against WHO in Geneva. The story of the struggle against WHO was written in great detail by Dr. Siti in her book "Time for the World to Change".

HOME INDEX Go Home Public Dr. Siti, Virus, and WHO FRIDAY, 03 APRIL 2020, 23:40 WIB 3k Shares of Minister of Health Republic of Indonesia peridoe 2004-2009, Siti Fadilah Supari / Net WABAH Covid-19 made many people think of Dr. Siti Fadilah Supari (Minister of Health Republic of Indonesia Republic of Indonesia 2004-2009) who used to fight against the 2005 Bird Flu virus and even continued to fight against WHO in Geneva. The story of the struggle against WHO was written in great detail by Dr. Siti in her book "Time for the World to Change". RELATED NEWS This is 8 Stages of Simultaneous Local Election 2020 In the Midst of Corona New Normal Pandemics Making People Arrest Wrong, Muhammadiyah Youth Asks Government to Voice Discipline of Communities in Blue Zone, 15 Regions in West Java Apply New Normal Covid-19 As I read, I immediately connected because this is what I discussed in my thesis and dissertation. International organizations under the United Nations when taking a policy turned out to be very influenced by the epistemic community (a group of experts in the UN ring 1, ignoring the voice of other expert groups), transnational companies, the IMF, and the World Bank. 

The story began when in 2005, the bird flu virus entered Indonesia (transmission of the virus from poultry to humans, so it was human who fell ill). To detect the virus, on WHO's orders, specimen samples must be sent to Hong Kong, the results can only be 5 to 6 days later. Obviously this is slowing the handling effort. In fact, it turns out the results of the lab examination in Indonesia are the same as the results of the HK lab.
Menkes Republik Indonesia periode 2004-2009, Siti Fadilah Supari/Net

Menkes Republik Indonesia periode 2004-2009, Siti Fadilah Supari/Net

At the same time, rapid diagnostic test sellers arrived to Dr. Siti. The making of the tool is based on the Vietnamese strain virus. So, the virus from avian influenza victims in Vietnam was sent to WHO, then the virus (seed) was made and the virus seed was made into a test. But what makes the test equipment is not WHO but companies in developed countries. 

Then, WHO recommends a drug called Tamiflu. Worse, when Indonesia wants to buy, the drug runs out on the market, because it has been bought up by rich countries (even though they do not have bird flu). Then, suddenly, without virological research, WHO staff announced to CNN that in Indonesia human-to-human transmission had occurred. Obviously this unilateral announcement from WHO is dangerous for Indonesia. 

Indonesia can be isolated and the economy will collapse. Dr. Siti immediately asked Indonesian scientists to examine the virus, is there really a change (so it can be transmitted from human to human). While waiting for the lab results, which Dr. Siti is no joke. Expel WHO staff from Indonesia and ask CNN to retract the news.
Influenza Virus

Influenza Virus

At the same time, the seller of diagnostic tests quickly came to Dr. Siti The making of this tool is based on the Vietnam strain virus. So, a virus from avian influenza victim in Vietnam is sent to WHO, then the virus (seed) is made and the virus seed is made into a test. But what makes the test equipment is not WHO but companies in developed countries. Then, WHO recommends a drug called Tamiflu. 

Eworse, when Indonesia wants to buy, the drug runs out on the market, because it has been bought by rich countries (even though they don't suffer from bird flu). Then, suddenly, without virological research, WHO staff announced to CNN that in Indonesia human-to-human transmission had occurred. Of course this unilateral announcement from WHO is dangerous for Indonesia. Indonesia can be isolated and the economy will collapse. Siti immediately asked Indonesian scientists to examine the virus, if there was a change (so it could be transmitted from human to human). 

When the lab results, the Dr. Siti is no joke. Expel WHO staff from Indonesia and ask CNN to withdraw the news.
This event made Dr. Siti is increasingly curious, why does the world order about viruses have to be like this? He then found there are 2 pathways of the virus. First, the virus from the country affected by the outbreak was submitted to WHO through the mechanism of GISN (Global Influenza Surveillance Network), then who knows what mechanism, it fell into Los Alamos. This is the lab that used to make the Hiroshima atomic bomb.

Second, from WHO, the virus is processed into seed, then sent to the vaccine company. Dr Siti wrote, "Whenever to make a vaccine and whenever to make chemical weapons, it may depend on their needs and interests. Really endanger the fate of people worldwide. This is how the system is not transparent and unfair. "(p. 17).

What Dr. Siti did next was a bird flu virus sent to Indonesia, but it was handed over directly to the vaccine company that was ready to make a vaccine from the virus. Logically, the virus that spreads in Indonesia is of course the "strain" (strain) of Indonesia, so a more suitable vaccine is a vaccine made from an Indonesian strain, not a vaccine from a Vietnamese virus.

According to Dr. Siti, foreign companies do have technology and money, but they cannot make a vaccine if there is no seed virus. So, Indonesia's position is actually on a par with them, there is no need to be inferior, let alone surrender the virus for free, then buy at a price set at will by the company. In 2007, an MoU was signed between the Indonesian Ministry of Health and Baxter, a vaccine company. How about WHO? Of course "hot". Sent a representative named David Heymann. He promised help. The Indonesian Lab will be improved and Indonesia will be given whatever vaccine quota is requested. The condition is that Indonesia does not make its own bird flu vaccine and all viruses are sent without conditions to WHO. The reason given by Heymann, in today's language, "makes the virus lab expensive, you know, you won't be able to, heavy, just let us." Of course Dr. Siti refused. Moreover, beforehand, the US Health Minister had promised to give aid of 3 million million US dollars. It turns out, Dr. Siti must be insinuated first through the mass media, then sent the money, and even then handed over to NAMRU, the US military lab (but the building is in Indonesia). The NAMRU was closed in 2009, on the orders of Dr. Siti, but it is said that now continues with a new name.

Various twists and turns of the trial, including efforts to 'tackle', are told in detail and exciting (like reading a novel). Dr. Toughness Siti in directing RI diplomats to continue to survive the onslaught of arguments and lobbying from the opposing parties, especially when head to head with US diplomats, was truly thrilling. By the way, aren't you being sued by the WHO mechanism, but why are those opposed by US diplomats? That is precisely what Dr. Siti also questioned in her book. Why did the US appear as the main defender of WHO (who insisted that the mechanism for the unconditional surrender of the virus continue)?

Yeah, just read the book. Especially, I recommend it for students in International Relations and Political Science (Indonesian diplomat candidates). You will not find the story of the diplomatic battle in this book in Model United Nations (MUN). Sad news Dr. Siti was sentenced to 2017 in prison on corruption charges. Now there is a petition raising calling for Dr. Siti was released from prison on the grounds that, aside from her age (70 years), her experience at the forefront of fighting bird flu (and against WHO) could certainly be utilized in this Covid-19 pandemic.


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