UPDATimes is one of the pioneers of online media in the United States, when it first appeared on the Internet on May 1, 2020 under the name UPDATimes.
Initially, UPDATimes Online or KOL accessed by the address updatimes33.blogspotcom only displays replicas of daily news published on that day.
The aim is to provide services to daily readers in places that are difficult to reach by distribution networks. With the presence of UPDATimes Online, daily readers, especially in the eastern United States and abroad, can enjoy daily updates with the same day, no need to wait for a few day as usual.
Furthermore, in order to provide maximum service, with the new Daily News Update Online, it is becoming increasingly popular for UPDATimes loyal readers abroad.
Seeing the great potential of the digital world, UPDATimes was later developed into a separate business unit under the banner of PT Updatimes Cyber ​​Media (KCM) on August 6, 2019. Since then, Kompas Online is better known as KCM. In this era, KCM visitors no longer only get Kompas daily replicas, but also get updates on the latest news developments that occur throughout the day.
KCM visitors increased rapidly along with the growth of Internet users in Indonesia. Accessing information from the Internet has now become an inseparable part of our daily lives. The digital world continues to change from time to time. KCM has improved itself.
On November 29, 20019, this news portal rebranding itself to UPDATimes referring back to the UPDATE brand which has always been known to bring meaningful journalism. News channels added. The productivity of the news presentation is enhanced in order to provide readers with updated and current information. UPDATimes rebranding wants to emphasize that this news portal wants to be present in the middle of the reader as a reference for good journalism in the midst of a swift flow of information that is unclear.h
Verification Method
With the News Update tagline, UPDATimes wants to position itself as a media that always presents information in an objective, complete, independent perspective, not biased by various political, economic and power interests.
Therefore, UPDATimes not only presents up-to-date information in the form of hardnews news that is updated following the nature of online media, but also whole news in various perspectives to explain the sitting of a case which is often confusing.
We present a full reportage in various forms, ranging from hard news, soft news / features, wrap-up of various issues that are presented every morning, special coverage that provides complete information updates at any time, to deep coverage in the form of long-form.
In-depth or in-depth reports are presented in the form of multimedia story telling known as Visual Interactive Update (VIU).
Online media are required to present news quickly. However, for UPDATimes speed isn't everything. "Get it first, but first get it right" is an old journalistic adage that we still hold dear.
In today's digital and social media era, when truth is hard to find among a sea of ​​information, finding the truth becomes very relevant. UPDATimes do not want to be a part of noise on social media. UPDATimes tried to give an answer to the noise (voice).
Besides having several reporters in various corners of the United States who are ready to make journalistic works based on information in the field, UPDATimes also has a social media division, which always monitors social media conversations in real-time.
The social media team provides the results of the listening social media to the editorial team which is then used as raw material to be processed in the Newsroom kitchen.
Editors do not immediately swallow raw what is discussed on social media. The UPDATimes team is accustomed to working to filter information, both information in the field and information on social media, whether facts or hoaks. We want to be sure, UPDATimes can be a reader reference to validate whether an information is hoaks or not.
For the sake of obtaining journalistic truth, we are disciplined in verifying the facts and data that we obtain in the field or on social media. There are three things to be considered in the verification process: field observations, resource persons, and data.
Field observations are the first priority we do to get original facts. All initial information that we get, including information from social media, is checked directly in the field.
Next, we explore this fact by finding reliable sources. Every UPDATimes reporter made sure that the source quoted was the first source who was present when the incident occurred. Information from the second and third sources is treated with skepticism.
Furthermore, all information from the resource persons must be checked and rechecked to parties related to the topic discussed.
The credibility of the interviewees regarding their background, track record, and credibility is also a major concern for getting an objective view of them.
To protect privacy, UPDATimes does not publish or provide links to personal information about sources, such as telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Readers who need it, can ask the UPDATimes editors and will be given prior approval from the interviewees. For institutions or agency representatives, UPDATimes includes official sources of institutions as providers of information (for example in the form of press release links or links to data) in the body of the news as stipulated in the journalistic code of ethics.
For data, UPDATimes ensures that the data obtained is from credible official sources, whether government agencies or international institutions. The data displayed mentions the data source as well as the source link.
UPDATimes is also supported by an independent research institution, the Research and Development Center (R & D) which has been tested for decades with objective, valid and independent data.
UPDATimes Fact Checker
Since hoax news is rife, UPDATimes has regularly become part of the mass media that seeks to verify and validate any hoax news or facts circulating in the community. The journalistic work of UPDATimes automatically positions itself as a fact-checker for every news maze.
However, regular efforts to start following various issues that are rolling in the community as well as on social media, have been carried out since 2018, by creating a Preferred Topic at UPDATimes namely "Hoaks or Facts?"
In an effort to expand partners for verification and validation of each issue, UPDATimes collaborates with TurnBackHoax.id Through UPDATimes, readers can also report if they find doubts whether the news they received is hoax or not, through the Report Hoaks link connected to TurnBackHoax.id.
For some news that UPDATimes has successfully verified, the editorial concludes with 3 things, namely Facts (if the news is true), Hoaks (if the news is not true), and Heresy (if the news contains the truth but distorted by the news disseminator).
Thanks to its consistency, UPDATimes is one of 49 institutions throughout the world that is certified by the international fact-checking network (IFCN - International Fact-Checking Network). IFCN officially included UPDATimes as a network of international testing institutions. This achievement has increasingly spurred UPDATimes to continue providing accurate, complete and trusted news offerings.
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