Hagia Sophia in Istanbul: Why turning it into a mosque has been opposed by the US, Greece and Unesco

Hagia Sophia has significant religious, spiritual and political significance for groups inside and outside Turkey.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

UPDATimes - In the last few decades, this historic building functioned as a museum.

Built in the sixth century by order of the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian I, the building was the largest cathedral in the world for nearly 1,000 years.

According to the Unesco World Heritage site, the cathedral was converted into a mosque when the Ottoman Caliphate (the Ottoman Empire) captured the city of Istanbul in 1453, but was turned into a museum in the 1930s.

The museum building can now become a mosque again if the Turkish administrative court approves the move.

Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has called for Hagia Sophia to be turned into a mosque during last year's election campaign.

Islamist groups in Turkey have long called for the building to be converted into a mosque, but secular opposition groups oppose the move.

Islamic groups and devout Muslims demanded that the building be returned to the mosque.

The proposal to change the status of Hagia Sophia has invited international condemnation, both from religious and political leaders around the world.

The head of the Eastern Orthodox Church opposed the move, as did the Greek government, home to millions of Orthodox followers.

Greek Culture Minister Lina Mendoni, who accused Turkey of reviving "fanatical nationalist and religious sentiments", insisted that the Unesco World Heritage site not be changed, without the approval of the intergovernmental committee.

Unesco's Deputy Director, Ernesto Ottone Ramirez, in an interview with the Greek newspaper Ta Nea, supported the proposal, namely that broader approval was needed.

Unesco - the UN agency in charge of education, science and culture - had written to the Turkish government about the proposal, but did not receive an answer, Ernesto said.

What is the history of Hagia Sophia like?

This iconic dome building is located in the Fatih district in the city of Istanbul, on the western side of the Bosphorus.

Byzantine Emperor Justinian I ordered the construction of a large cathedral in Constantinople - the capital of the Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire - in 532.

Building experts brought materials from all over the Mediterranean to build the colossal cathedral.

After the construction of the cathedral was completed in 537, the city became the seat of the Orthodox church leadership.

The Byzantine Empire's state ceremonies, like the coronation, took place in the building.

Hagia Sophia was home to the Eastern Orthodox Church for almost 900 years, but was briefly banned in the brief period of the 13th century, when it was converted into a Roman Catholic Cathedral under the control of invading forces from Europe during the Fourth Crusade.

But in 1453, the Ottoman Caliphate under Sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantinople and changed its name to Istanbul, and ended the Byzantine Empire forever.

Upon entering the Hagia Sophia, Mehmed II insisted on renovating and turning it into a mosque. He attended the first Friday prayer at the building.

The Ottoman architects then removed or covered the Orthodox Christian symbols in the building and added towers to the structure.

Until the completion of the construction of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul in 1616, Hagia Sophia was the main mosque in the city, and its architecture inspired the construction of the Blue Mosque and several other mosques around the city and the world.

After the end of World War I in 1918, the Ottoman Empire which suffered defeat, its territory was divided by the Allied countries as the victorious party.

However, nationalist forces rose up and created modern Turkey from the ashes of the empire.

The founder of Turkey and the first president of the secular republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, ordered that the Hagia Sophia be converted into a museum.

Since reopening to the public in 1935, this place has become one of the most visited tourist attractions in Turkey.

Why is Hagia Sophia important?

Because the historic building is 1,500 years old, the Hagia Sophia has significant religious, spiritual and political significance for groups inside and outside Turkey.

Islamic groups and devout Muslims demanded that the building be returned to the mosque, and they had protested the contents of the 1934 law which prohibits religious practices on the site.

President Erdogan has echoed these demands.

In a campaign speech ahead of local elections last year, he said "a huge mistake" turned Hagia Sophia into a museum.

Since then, Erdogan has reportedly asked relevant officials to find out how to change the function of the historic building.

The head of the Eastern Orthodox Church, known as the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, which is still based in Istanbul, Patriarch Bartholomew I, Tuesday (30/06) warned that building changes would "disappoint millions of Christians" and divide the world.

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, warned that any change in Hagia Sophia's status would reduce its ability to "serve humanity as an indispensable bridge between those of different faiths and cultures".

Last week, the US Ambassador to the Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback, had asked Turkey to let the building function as before.

But Turkey's Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, insisted that Athens did not have a say in the decision, because the building was on Turkish territory.

"What we do in our country, and with our property, depends on us," he told Turkish TV station 24 TV.

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