Eat Mac and Cheese? Here's an Easy Way to Make It

Mac and Cheese cuisine and how to make it.

Friday, Juny 18, 2020

UPDATimes - A series of malls in New York City resumed operations on June 15, 2020. Even so, the fear of going to the mall still haunts most people. Though the longing to eat favorite menus is unstoppable.

Mac and cheese or macaroni and cheese is an American comfort food. Children to the elderly know him and eat him. However, not many people know that this food was popularized by Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States.

Fox News website (01/15/13) traces the mac and cheese made of macaroni paste from Italy but is becoming popular in America. It is said that Jefferson tried it in Europe and brought home a pasta maker. He even served it for dinner at the White House in 1802. However, his form is somewhat different from what we know today.

Reverend Manasseh Cutler, one of the guests who tasted it, called it a 'pie called macaroni' that had a bad taste. He considered the pie to contain onions, but another guest, Meriwether Lewis, explained that it was macaroni, not onion. He said that this food is made from flour and butter with a mixture of liquor.

Jefferson also changes the recipe. He asked a company to become an official supplier of pasta to the White House. The parmesan cheese was sent directly from Italy.

However, the mac and cheese revolution only began a century later. During the depression, around 1937, mac and cheese products made by Kraft Dinner which were ready in nine minutes made this dish a staple food for Americans.

Mac and cheese became a favorite in the late 2000s, when restaurants that made the main menu of mac and cheese appeared. Even this dish comes with new creations, such as MacQuack with duck confit and MacStroganoff with beef, mushrooms, and sour cream at MacBar restaurant, New York.

Even this home-cooked meal did not escape the hands of famous chefs and transformed into lavish offerings. Apparently, its simplicity makes mac and cheese suitable for any dish, from ground beef to lobster.

Delicious dishes that arouse the tastes of Mac and Cheese become one of the most missed menu choices. Relax, you can also make delicious Mac and Cheese like in restaurants. Launching from The New York Times, Wednesday (06/17/2020) here is an easy way to make it.


- 50 grams of macaroni
- 10 grams of butter
- 1 tablespoon of flour
- 300 ml of liquid milk
- 30 grams of melted cheese
- 1 sheet of cheddar cheese
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon pepper
- 1/4 nutmeg powder
- 1 tablespoon of oil

How to make:
  1. Prepare a pan, boil water until boiling. Add macaroni, salt and oil.
  2. Prepare a frying pan, melt butter, add flour.
  3. Add liquid milk while stirring quickly so it does not stick.
  4. Add melted cheese, cheddar cheese, salt, pepper, sugar and nutmeg. Cook until melted.
  5. Add the boiled macaroni, stir until smooth.
  6. Bake macaroni that has been mixed with cheese in the oven at 425 degrees for 20 minutes.
  7. Lift and serve while warm.
It's really practical how to make it.

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