China corona virus: US reports first corona virus case

China corona virus: US reports first corona virus case

Sunday, June 28, 2020

UPDATimes - The United States confirmed the first case of a new corona virus.

The US Centers for Disease Control said the virus, which originated in China, was diagnosed in a US citizen who arrived in Seattle from China.

The virus that spread from Wuhan China has infected nearly 300 people, and six people died.
North Korea has temporarily closed its borders for foreign tourists to avoid the threat of the disease, a tour operator said.
The patient diagnosed in the US was a man in his 30s who returned from Wuhan on January 15, the US Centers for Disease Control said.

"Patients seek treatment at a medical facility in the state of Washington, where the patient is treated," he added in a statement.

"Based on the patient's history and symptoms, health workers suspect this new corona virus."

Laboratory testing of the patient's clinical specimens confirmed the diagnosis on January 20, the CDC said.

Information that North Korea bans the entry of foreign tourists comes from Young Pioneer Tours, which is based in China and offers trips to North Korea.

The company said North Korea imposed a temporary ban as a precautionary measure.

"Further details have still not been confirmed by our travel partners in North Korea and we will continue to post future announcements on our website," Young Pioneer Tours said.

Another tour group traveling to North Korea, Koryo Tours, also wrote on their Twitter account about "possible restrictions on entry for tourists".

Some experts had earlier warned that international sanctions against North Korea had hit the country's health system due to restrictions on the delivery of aid and medical equipment.

Last November, US doctor Kee B Park wrote in USA Today: "I have seen how doctors in North Korea adapt to scarcity. For example, they reuse intravenous catheters, scalpels, gauze and gloves by cleaning and re-sterilizing instruments. it was so careful - it could no longer be used. "

Where does the virus spread?

Earlier on Monday, Chinese officials confirmed for the first time that the virus could spread from person to person.

At the same time Chinese state media said six people had died from the infection, which caused a disease similar to pneumonia.

A total of 291 cases have now been reported in major cities in China, including Beijing and Shanghai. However, the majority are in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people.

The disease was first identified in Wuhan late last year and the outbreak is believed to have originated in the seafood market which also sells live animals.

In addition to the United States, two cases have been identified in Thailand, one in Japan, one in South Korea and one in Taiwan. All those infected have just returned from Wuhan.

Authorities in several countries, including Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan have stepped up the inspection of passengers from Wuhan.

The US government last week announced similar measures at airports in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York. They have announced plans to implement similar actions at Chicago and Atlanta airports this week.

In Australia, a man who had traveled to Wuhan was placed in isolation and was undergoing tests. China is the biggest source of tourists to Australia, with more than one million Chinese visiting last year.

But the measures imposed by North Korea are by far the most stringent.

A report by the Global Center for Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College, London, says there may be more than 1,700 people infected with this disease. However, Gabriel Leung, dean of medicine at the University of Hong Kong, said the number of sufferers was close to 1,300.

What does the Indonesian government do?

The Ministry of Health said it had sent a circular asking the authorities to raise awareness at all national entrances, including by air, sea and land.

Anung Sugihantono, Director General of Disease Prevention and Control at the Ministry of Health, said that body temperature scanners, or thermal scanners, at entry points for migrants from abroad have been reactivated to detect symptoms of the virus.

"Because one of the symptoms is heat, respiratory distress, the earliest one that can be detected is by thermal scan," Anung said Monday (01/20) at a media gathering to explain preventative measures taken by the government.

What do we know about this virus?
The virus, known as 2019-nCoV, is known as a new type of corona virus, which was previously identified as not going to spread to humans.

The World Health Organization, WHO, advises humans to avoid "unprotected" contact with animals, thoroughly cook meat and eggs, and avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu symptoms.

Signs of infection include fever, coughing, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

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