Russian Scientists Unload Corona Virus From China Made In a Crazy Way

Photo: Russian scientist Peter Chumakov

Sunday,31 May 2020

UPDATimes - A recent statement was made by a famous Russian scientist, Professor Petr Chumakov, he said, confirmed that the corona virus was indeed made in a Wuhan laboratory in China.

The Russian microbiologist also said that the corona virus was the result of a crazy mixture of Chinese scientists in their laboratory in Wuhan. Why does he call it crazy, because it includes the genome that makes this virus become vicious.

"In my opinion, they are doing really crazy things. For example, inserting the genome, which gives the virus the ability to infect human cells, "said the lead researcher at the Engalhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Moscow, disitat Mail Online, Friday, April 24, 2020.

"Now all of this has been analyzed. The picture of the possibility of making a corona virus is slowly emerging now. "

He also said, initially, the Wuhan scientists had indeed studied the pathogenicity of the virus and had no malicious intentions to deliberately create chaos for humans. But it's the crazy research that makes it so terrible.

Because there are several inserts, namely the replacement of the natural sequence of the genome, which gives it special properties in the corona virus.

"In China, scientists in the Wuhan laboratory have been actively involved in developing various variants of the corona virus for more than ten years," he said.

This statement certainly reinforces the expression of Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, who this week stated that the corona virus was man-made.

"I think the investigation will continue, and as a result new rules will be developed to regulate work with the dangerous virus genome," Peskov said.

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