good news Chinese scientists are convinced that trying covid vaccine, 99% works

Photo: Scientists are hunting covid-19 vaccine

Thursday, June 30, 2020

UPDATimes - According to Sky News, one of the biotechnology companies in Beijing, Sinovac, has now reached stage 2 of the Corona vaccine trial.
More than a thousand volunteers have participated in the development of the vaccine. Sinovac is also designing a vaccine development to the third or final stage.
"Yes, yes. It will definitely work, 99 percent (surely)," Luo Baishan, a Chinese researcher at Sinovac, was quoted by Sky News on Saturday (05/30/2020).
Last month, Sinovac published the results of the Corona vaccine trial in the journal Science. They reported that a vaccine called CoronaVac was able to protect monkeys from Covid-19 infection.
Now, the biggest problem facing the company is finding volunteers lanaran number of cases of Covid-19 in China has fallen significantly.
For Phase 3 trials, Sinovac even plans to move the research site to a European country. The UK will be chosen, because of the high number of infections in Covid-19 cases there.
"We spoke with several European countries and I think I also discussed with Britain," said Helen Yang, senior director of Sinovac investor relations.
"Right now is a very early stage for discussion."
Although the trials have not yet been completed, Sinovac is reportedly building a factory to produce large quantities of vaccines. The factory is located in the northwest of Beijing.
They hope to produce about 100 million doses. The amount that is not much compared to the world population, is recognized to make the vaccine distribution limited.
"This is our recommendation that it is not the entire population that gets the vaccine," Yang said.
"We first target high-risk groups, for example, health workers or senior citizens, who may have higher mortality rates."
"I think it will be the starting point. To be honest, vaccines need to be produced a lot," he said.

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