Covid-19: Quarantine area loosened, could there be a second wave of outbreaks?

Covid-19: Quarantine area loosened, could there be a second wave of outbreaks?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

UPDATimes - Various countries have begun to ease regional quarantine easing, including Indonesia, which is running a 'new normal', so that people can return to their activities while maintaining the health protocol. Could a second wave outbreak occur?

Looking from history, it is very possible.

The bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the 14th century returned to plague in various countries until the end of the 19th century.

Whereas a century ago, a global pandemic caused by the 'Spanish flu' occurred in three waves. Most victims died in the second wave.

Researchers are still developing the corona virus vaccine, which is expected to end the spread of the virus so quickly and deadly.

Now researchers are also watching whether Covid-19 mutations become weaker or even more dangerous.

In a number of European countries, strict quarantine began to gradually be relaxed as the new Covid-19 case declined.

However, this new normal rule is accompanied by a condition that its enforcement will be revoked if there is a sharp increase in the number of cases.

What does normalcy look like when it is applied there?

Following are the easing that occurred in Europe after applying strict regional quarantine.

Germany: The shop opens and soccer starts again

Germany has begun to open up by lifting strict quarantine in 16 states.

But Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed that "emergency brakes" would be applied if there was an increase in new infections.

  • The German soccer league or Bundesliga continues without spectators from 16 May
  • Shops, both large and small, are allowed to open, with the rules of keeping a distance and remain hygienic
  • Stores smaller than 800 square meters are allowed to open since April 20, as well as car sales, bicycle shops and bookstores
  • Schools for smaller children are partly opened so they can take an exam
  • The border with Austria, France and Switzerland has been eased from May 15 and will be fully opened on June 15
  • Two families are allowed to gather
  • Large gatherings such as festivals are still banned until at least the end of August
  • Chancellor Angela Merkel extended her distance rules until 29 June

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