Corona virus in the United States: Number of deaths 'makes me choked up', the high number of Covid-19 cases among black residents

Corona virus in the United States: Number of deaths 'makes me choked up', the high number of Covid-19 cases among black residents

Saturday, June 6, 2020

UPDATimes - The corona virus does not distinguish between skin color or race, but data in the United States are beginning to show a community that is experiencing the greatest impact of this pandemic.

"Many black Americans are more at risk of Covid-19," US public health chief Jerome Adams said in an interview with CBS.

"This fact hurts," said Adams, who calls himself African American, a term for African ancestry.

Data from states and cities in America reveal that African American residents are more susceptible to being infected with the corona virus that causes Covid-19.

Until Thursday (09/04), cases of corona virus in the US were recorded at more than 435,000 with a mortality rate of more than 14,000.

The global number of corona virus infections until Thursday (09/04) reached 1.5 million with the death of 88,000 people.

What is the data like?
In New York City, a pandemic epicenter in the US, about 28% of the deaths of over 4,000 people are of African descent, according to data revealed by Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Statistics from Chicago health officials, show half of the black population of Chicago affected by Covid-19 and more than 70% of victims died, even though this resident is only 30% of the total population.

"The number of deaths made me choked up," Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot told the New York Times.

"This figure is one of the most shocking things I have ever witnessed as a mayor," he said.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot also said the corona virus "destroyed Chicago's black citizens".

He said officers would be deployed to inspect various shops to make sure everyone adheres to social distance guidelines.

The mayor of Lightfoot also put forward the possibility of imposing a curfew in places where residents usually gather outside the liquor store, reports the Chicago Sun-Times.

African Americans have a higher risk of corona virus

Why are African Americans vulnerable?
The government and experts agree that the health condition of African Americans is generally worse than other communities.

Anthony Fauci, director of the Infectious Disease Institute, said that congenital diseases suffered by black residents made them vulnerable.

"We know that diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and asthma affect minority populations, especially African Americans," Fauci said.

He added that the history of the disease would be fatal once they were exposed to Covid-19.

Another condition, according to experts is the African American population, it is difficult to get access to health.

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