China: No Evidence for Corona Virus Originating from Laboratories in Wuhan

A staff member took a sample of an inactive Covid-19 vaccine at the China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm) vaccine production plant in Beijing, China. (ANTARA / Xinhua / Zhang Yuwei)

Wednesday,Juny 3 2020

UPDATimes - The Chinese Foreign Ministry stressed there was no evidence to suggest that the corona virus was produced in a laboratory in Wuhan. That refers to the findings of the World Health Organization (WHO).

A ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, said this to answer media questions about allegations that a new type of corona virus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, the Covid-19 pandemic epicenter as well as where the disease first appeared.

Since the first case occurred, now the corona virus has infected more than two million people worldwide with more than 135 thousand cases leading to death.

"Repeatedly it has been stated that there is no evidence of a new type of corona virus created in a laboratory," Zhao said in a press conference as quoted by Antara on Thursday (4/16/2020).
Earlier, US President Donald Trump said that his administration was investigating the possibility of the Covid-19 virus originating from a laboratory in Wuhan.

While US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said China "must be clear" to convey information they know about the spread of Covid-19.

Nevertheless, Zhao's statement was not directly addressed as a reply to Trump's comments.


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