Ceo Apple, Microsoft, and Google support the black population in the USA

Photo:Ceo Apple, Microsoft, google

Tuesday,Juny 2 2020

UPDATimes - Currently there are a lot of people in the United States who support the black population in the US following the death of George Floyd by one of the police in Minneapolis. Various public figures have given their support to Floyd.
Well, it turns out that support was also enlivened by three CEOs of large companies. Known CEO from Google, Sundar Pichai, Apple CEO, Tim Cook, to Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella provide support to black citizens in the US.
"For our colleagues in the black community, we continue to see you. You mean, your life is valued here at Apple," writes Tim Cook.
"What should we do? We can begin to see each other, ask colleagues about their news and what they need, have four to what others currently feel," Satya Nadella wrote.
"For those who are feeling sorrow, anger, sadness, and fear, you are not alone. We continue to support racial equality and those who seek it," Sundar Pichai said.
As information, at this time the condition of the United States is still not conducive due to many people who feel furious with the actions of several policemen who are desperate to strangle George Floyd until he dies due to racism issues.

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